One Design open regattas

Our fleet of one design sailboats (55 one design boats in our 3 locations) is ready to go with you for the different existing regattas on the Atlantic or on the Mediterranean places, for such open events as :  la Trinité sur Mer : Spi West France, Marseille SNIM both 4 days at Easter, Massilia Cup, 2 days in Marseille prior to Easter,

Corporation events examples : the lawers regattas (Juri’s Cup in Marseille), construction and building field BatiCup, Green Energy regatta, Aeronautical regatta, etc… ask which sailing corporate event you may be interested in.

In one design regattas every boat can win !


Renting as a package

Notre Our fleet in well maintained by professional technicians, each boat are identically prepared, with same sails, same equipments, every crew can win with any Team Winds boat. The Team Winds + : technical maintenance every night.

Ask for the prices

Trainings and day boating

The Team Winds one design sailboats perform well in regattas and are also very pleasant for training or day boating . Chartering with or without skippers, Team Winds can help you with a customized programm for you to progress in handling boats and performing.

On y régate en Grand Surprise