Accessible à tous

There is no need to be very sportive, or to have sailed before, or to have a specific personal equipment  : everyone can live the uniq experience of our sailing programms ! A professional skipper on each sailboat will help every participant to work safely as an active crew member.

the Same tool for every one

On board our strictly indentical ‘one design’ sailboats, we can put together 250 participants at the same time (on a fleet of about 35 sailboats). The boats are exactly the same, this is therefore the crew efficiency and crew work that makes the difference in the race.

Specific programms 

We can adapt the activity and the programms to your needs : sailing in the Bay of Quiberon or in the Bay of Marseille or La Rochelle, for a day or half a day, or several days, with optional additionnal services (catering, hotels, brandings of the event, photograph, etc)


Ils ont choisi la régate pour leur séminaire